.8thPlanet.com design studio and web development
Web Site Development
8thPlanet.com's web services include original web site design, site rebuilding, maintenance, domain name registration, hosting & e-mail management, search engine optimization, & e-commerce development.
If you have an established site we can take over maintenance, hosting and e-mail management, update the look-and-feel, or work up a complete site redesign. We can also add new features such as e-commerce or search engine ad link management.
8thPlanet.com has been instrumental in the development of over 150 web sites so far, and with each project we strive to go beyond our client's expectations. From a single page informational site to the largest e-commerce store or database-driven site, everything we produce is custom designed for the client. We never use pre-designed templates. We offer the professionalism of Manhattan's Silicon Alley at a fraction of the cost. See our Pricing Guide for Package Deals.
8thPlanet.com Web Pages