B A S I C W E B S I T E D E S I G N |
Typically "basic" web sites include a Home Page, an About Page, Contact Info (maybe with a maps or directions), a List of Services, Photos, Links, Coupons, etc. Add-On Items could include an online form, audio clips, e-commerce, additional pages or more. Additional basic pages are $225 each. |
When you contract with 8thPlanet.com for at least a Basic Web Site Design plan and two (2) years of web site hosting, you will receive a FREE brand new 4GB Apple iPod nano in silver, blue, pink or green. You will receive your iPod once the design and hosting fees are paid in full. Note: 8thPlanet.com can design your web site without providing the site hosting. However, to qualify for the Free iPod nano offer you must contract for the site design and 8thPlanet.com hosting at the same time. |